

Do you know the difference between mean and spiteful ?(meanとspitefulの違いについて)

<What got me started looking into this issue>



<How to look up>




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今回はCambridge Dictonaryの英英辞典を使いました。



  • mean
     unkind or unpleasant

  • spiteful
    wanting to annoy, upset, or hurt another person, especially in a small way, because you feel angry towards them




<Result of ②>



What is the difference between mean and spiteful?

I'm curious about the difference between these words.

I consulted a dictionary and felt spiteful is more malicious than mean.

But I'm not sure whether I'm correct or not.

Could you tell me the difference and the specific usage of them?

Thank you very much in advance!








I agree that “spiteful” is a stronger word than “mean”. It also implies a strong intent, which “mean” may lack.

If you’re spiteful, then you’re intentionally doing things that harm another person; if you’re mean, those actions may be unintentional, like accidentally hurting someone’s feelings.

The other difference is that “spiteful” can imply that you’re getting the other person back for something. If you’re spiteful, you may think that the other person hurt you in the past, while being mean may just be because you’re a shitty person.



  • spitefulはmeanより強い意図がある言葉である
  • spitefulの場合相手を故意に傷つける意味合いになるが、meanの場合は偶然相手の感情を害してしまった場合にも使える
  • spitefulの場合傷つけられたことで相手に仕返しすることが示唆されるが、meanの場合特に理由もなくク〇野郎であるということ

この”shitty person”という単語が回答の一部として飛んでくるのが非常に味わい深いですね。(余談ですが、講師とこの文章読んでいたらこの部分で爆笑していました。やはり汚い言葉の方が笑えるのは万国共通なんでしょうかw)





You’re correct in your understanding.

Generally mean is used similarly as “unkind”, it’s used more frequently than malicious or spiteful and has a “softer” connotation (or “feeling”) to it. My impression is, being mean can be intentional or unintentional. Being spiteful or malicious can only be intentional.

Example- say your dad passed away recently and someone asks you, “how was your Father’s Day? Did your dad like your present?”

If the person forgot, it was a mean thing to say. If they didn’t forget, and purposely wanted to hurt you it would be spiteful or malicious.



  • meanはspitefulより柔らかいニュアンスの言葉である
  • mean->intentional or unintentional, spiteful->intentional(わかりやすい具体例も載っています。ありがたい!)





"mean" has a less specific meaning. It can describe bullying, a callous disregard for someone's feelings, or just teasing that goes too far. "Mean" is sort of milder, describing something done or spoken out of uncaring or just for amusement.

"Spiteful" more specifically describes being primarily motivated by causing the other pain, often out of hatred for them or anger.

Kicking a kids sandcastle over and laughing as you walk past is mean. Refusing to donate a kidney to your brother because your parents always liked him more is spiteful.




Thank you for sending me a amazing answer!

It seemed like my prediction was correct.

Thinks to you, I can understand spiteful includes the meaning like a revenge for someone because you told me it's caused by an offensive feeling for them.

I try to know these words deeper by reading your awesome message over and over again!



It's hard for me to put into words the difference between spite and vengeance.

I think spite usually comes from some kind of bitterness, jealousy, envy or contempt. An example I can think of is how Frollo in the hunchback of Notre Dame wants to "punish" Esmeralda for "making" him attracted to her. He can't have her (because she's not attracted to him and it would be scandalous for him) so he externalizes that frustration and makes her the object of it.

Vengeance is more direct and undistorted. punishing someone directly for something they did that you see as wrong. "Spite" is generally seen as immoral and/or petty while vengeance or revenge is either seen as justified or something done out of passion.

Whereas being mean is generally just callousness, or in its more extreme forms narcissism or sadism.








  • spitefulはmeanより強く、より悪意のある言葉である
  • meanの場合故意かそうでないかは言葉の上では分からないがspitefulの場合故意であることがほとんどである(後日ロングマンなどの辞書でspitefulの意味を確認しましたが、deliberatelyやpurposelyといった言葉が使われていたので間違いないと思います)
  • spitefulは過去の起こったことに対する悪感情(恨み、妬み、侮蔑など)がもとになっている一方、meanは特に理由がない不親切さに対しても使える








Thank you very much for reading this article!

Have a great day!

See you again!!